Inheritance in c++

Inheritance in c++


In C++, it is possible to inherit attributes and methodes from one class to another. The inheritance concept can be grouped in two notions:

  • derived class (child) : class that inherits from another class
  • base class (parent): the being inherited from

To inherit from a class, use the symbol “:” .

In the example below, the Airbus class (child) inherits from the attributes and methods from the Airbus class (parent).

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Base class
class Aircraft {
    string name = "aircraft";
    void fly() {
      cout << "I am an aircraft and I am flying \n" ;

// Derived class
class Airbus: public Aircraft {
    string model = "Airbus";

int main() {
  Airbus myAirbus;;
  cout << + " " + myAirbus.model;
  return 0;

Inheritance : the class Airbus inherits from the class Aircraft

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